Monday, 28 May 2012

Natural secret | Cellulite buster

Ooohh cellulite the touchy subject which every girl likes to deny!!
Many celebrities go through surgery to get rid of these awful buggers but apparently, Halle Berry is known to use this one beauty secret that i am going to share with you!

Can you guess???....hmmmm

.....The secret is COFFEEEEEEE!! Yes coffee!!

As it contains caffeine (Oooh) when applied on to the skin it increases blood flow, helping to detoxify and breakup cellulit. This is sure to leave your skin feeling smooth, glowy and cellulite free within a matter of months (Amazing!!!!)

This is my own special recipe and It is a very easy but messy process all you need is:
  • 4 table spoons of sugar
  • 3 table spoons of grounded coffee
  • 2 table spoons of Olive oil
  • 1 table spoon of Argan oil
  • 1 table spoon of Peppermint extract
  • Cling film

Mix all the ingredients together, then rub all over your legs and anywhere else you may have cellulite, next get enough cling film to cover both your legs and leave it on for 10-20 minutes, then wash thoroughly with luke warm water and pat dry...


  1. Thanks for this! I've never really added peppermint to my scrubs for some reason, your post has made me change that now

  2. Hey hun, I'm happy that i have benefited you in some way... peppermint extract/oil is included in the majority of anti aging creams and body serums...One of my favorite things to put into my scrubs <3 <3
